Monday, May 25, 2009

Literary Where I'm From

I am from reading in the backseat during excruciatingly long road trips.
Vying for space to be comfortable.
I am from a place where anything I could get my hands on to read was good enough;
Peter Benchley, Christopher Pike, Batman and Robin.

I am from Seuss's magic worlds and words, Oh where will be all the places I will go?
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, its mesmerizing metamorphosis to a beautiful butterfly
and all it ate along the way.
I am from Chris Van Allsburg
his words and vibrant pictures
From The Polar Express, Just a Dream, Two Bad Ants

I am from anthologies of poetry and plays
satire and drama
comedy and horror
Waiting for Godot...are you sure this is it?
And Death of a Salesman...poor Mr. Loman.
And how can I forget Shel Silverstein!

I am from Canadian Fiction
The Handsmaid Tale, Cat's Eye
Richler, Ondaatje, and Findley
Small Ceremonies, Not wanted on the Journey
Mowat, and Monroe

I am from listening to great stories as my father read,
crawled up on the floor
waiting to hear what comes next.
I am from reading shampoo Bottles
“Wash and repeat, if necessary”
I am from crosswords and newspapers and gossip magazines
and novels.
Never dog ear a page when I can find some treasure to save my spot
until the next adventure.


  1. I am also from Canadian women's literature. I love handmaid tale. Richler is also one of my favorites!
    Canadian authors are such a treasure.
    Sounds like you are a life-long reader.

  2. Your poem brings me back to so many childhood memories. It looks like you are from a place where literacy was a huge part of your life from an early age to now. I always wished I could read in the backseat of the car, I would always get car sick. I can see that you are from a variety of text from Dr. Suess, poetry, Canadian literature, plays, newspapers, magazines and to even products. Based on your poem I feel you have expressed a love for reading and learning. I enjoyed your organization of literary thoughts, it reminds me of so many experiences I forgot to add to my poem.

  3. Love the final image created in your poem.
